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Creating A Nurturing Study Space in the Garden

Sep 01 , 2023

Studying outside when the weather is warm and exam season is looming is the perfect way to boost brain power and inner peace. Not only are there mental health benefits to being in the great outdoors, but there are also well-being advantages too. So, creating a nurturing study space in the garden is the perfect way to support a developing mind during pivotal educational milestones. Here’s how it can be done. 

Why It’s Important: The Cognitive Benefits of Nature 

There are so many observed benefits to studying outdoors. Nature is a calming environment with natural sounds, fresh air, and beautiful backdrops to support enhanced learning. It is important for young learners to have an environment that supports their learning style and also scaffolds their mental health during periods of intense study, and the garden is the perfect spot to bring all of those things together. What are the key moves to make to help this happen? Let’s explore.  

Water Features 

Water features are easy to install, don’t have to cost too much money, and put positive vibes into any area. The power of water is well known, and the gentle sounds combined with the stunning visuals are enough to keep any mind on track. 

Shaded Areas 

There should be a thought or two for how to create a covered-up area as well. While working out in the sun is nice for a short period, too much exposure is harmful for the body and the eyes. It is also extremely difficult to stay focused on a computer screen with the glare of sunlight, so the best solution is to make sure there are options for being in the shade at certain points of the study session. This could be as simple as a big umbrella or taken further with a covered installation. 

Seating Zones

Of course, having some form of seating area is non-negotiable. Thankfully, there are versatile and fantastic options like investing in an outdoor furniture set to really set the scene. It is easy to add comfortable touches like weatherproof pillows and even blankets for the overcast days. This should preferably be placed in the shade wherever possible, as discussed in the point above. 

Recreation Time 

There is also a need to consider downtime as well. The garden is a great place to revise facts and write essays, but it has long been a space to wind down and enjoy some activities too. Something as simple as a basketball hoop, swing set, or even an age-appropriate pool would be a brilliant addition for any student. They could take their much-deserved study breaks right there in the same space and create a better routine that supports optimal results when it comes to how they learn. It is no major secret that interspersing school work with downtime is necessary, so make sure this is a part of the blueprint as well.  

The garden is one of the best places to study. To make it the ultimate space for any young mind, there has to be a clear sense of how the whole picture comes together. Make space for comfort and focus on the goal of positive learning.